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Marko Marulić

4.2 ( 7792 ratings )
Developer: Tobit.Software

English: Find all the latest news about Marko Marulić. Share them as well with your contacts to spread the Marulić world! Follow Marulić everywhere, without moving from where you are. Marko Marulić (Croatian pronunciation: 18.08.1450 – 05.01.1524) was a Croatian national poet and Christian humanist.

German: Erhalte die aktuellen Informationen über Marko Marulić. Teile diese mit deinen Freunden, um die Marulić Welt zu vergrößern. Folge Marko Marulić überall, ohne deinen Ort wechseln zu müssen. Marko Marulić (* 18. August 1450 in Split; † 5. Januar 1524 ebenda) war ein kroatischer Dichter und europäischer Humanist.

Croatian: Zaprimi sve nove informacije o Marku Maruliću. Širi vijesti o njemu kako bi se povećo broj prijatelja njegova djela. Marko Marulić (lat. Marcus Marulus Spalatensis) (Split, 18. kolovoza 1450. - Split, 5. siječnja 1524.) hrvatski je književnik i kršćanski humanist, otac hrvatske književnosti.